Creek Updates Week of September 11th


*Creek Institute

Creek Institute started last week, but it is not too late to sign up. We offer two 14-week studies. The first class is "New Testament Overview" and the second is "Parenting: Displaying God as Father." These classes take place from 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. on Sunday afternoons. For more information, please visit  Please note our Creek Clubhouse program is available for babies through 5th grade with registration of a Creek Institute class.

*Membership Renewal

Thank you to all of you who renewed your membership. We would love to have all membership cards in by this Sunday September 17th. If you missed it, we have membership cards available at the Connection Desk or you can stop by the office and sign one. Everyone, new attendees and past members, please fill out these new forms.

*Hurricane Harvey Relief

Thank you so much for all of the generous donations given towards Hurricane Harvey Relief. This Sunday, September 17th is the last day we will be accepting financial contributions for this effort. Please be sure to designate "Harvey" in the memo line of your check, as well as through our online giving page.  We have raised approximately $23,000 so far - THANK YOU!!  If you are wanting more information on serving opportunities, please visit

*Cultivate Women's Event with Kelly Minter

You are invited to our Fall 2017 "Cultivate" Women's Event on Friday, November 10th from 7:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. and Saturday, November 11th from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in the Worship Center. Join us for fellowship, worship, and learning God's Word with guest speaker Kelly Minter. To register, please

*Women's Fall Bible Study

Women's Bible study will begin on Wednesday mornings, starting TOMORROW, September 13th from 9:30 - 11:30 am or Thursday evenings, starting September 14th from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. The topic is "Authentic Christ-Follower: A Study of 1 John." Please visit or call the church office at (830)755-8806 to register.

*Opportunity for Moms

Mentoring Moms is a ministry designed to provide moms the opportunity to connect with older women from our church who are excited to build relationships and walk alongside you as a mentor. The meetings are once a month for moms with babies through 5th grade. The events will include a light dinner, encouragement through a speaker, small group time, discussion and prayer. Our first event is THIS Thursday night, September 14th from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. in the Creek Kids 2-story Building. Please register at

*Creek Kids

If you have been serving in CREEK KIDS for years or have just joined our team, you are invited to a volunteer trainingTHIS Sunday, September 17th after the second service. We will provide lunch and childcare and prompt training. We will cover everything you need to know and what is new in CREEK KIDS! This training is essential for those serving in our children's ministry to be informed and encouraged! We will begin with lunch and overall safety guidelines and then divide into our specific areas: Check-In, Nursery, Preschool, and Elementary. Please mark your calendars, register online, and join us!

*Men's Wednesday Morning Bible Study

Join us on Wednesday mornings at 6:00 a.m. for a study on "Legacy, What Kind of Man Are You?" For more information and to register, please visit Our first class begins on September 13th and runs for 7 weeks.

*Student Ministry

UpNext Ministry for 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Students Sundays at 9 am in the Chapel.

This ministry provides an interactive discipleship experience for students transitioning into their teenage years. Through personal, interactive discipleship we walk alongside students in their journey of faith, teaching them how to live in relationship with God, how to study the Bible, how to pray, and how to live set apart for the Gospel of Christ. We will also work through weekly rotation serving in different areas of the church, giving students hands-on ministry opportunities.

UpStream - Wednesdays at 6:30 pm Middle School and High School Upstream will meet separately from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Each service includes games, food, and fellowship followed by corporate worship, a short sermon, and gender based small groups. It is our desire to introduce these students to the life of the church and experience adult style worship service while engaging in small group discipleship.

*This Sunday's Music

The Worship Team's prayer is for the church to begin to prepare themselves for Sunday morning worship. Here is the list of songs we will sing during our services:

*Lay Me Down (Passion)
*Here's My Heart (Crowder)
*O Praise The Name (Hillsong)
*At Your Name (Phil Wickham)

*"Brave Parenting" Workshop

First Baptist Boerne is hosting a free 6-week workshop on "Brave Parenting". This workshop is designed to help parents navigate how to parent their children in a digital world. The first workshop begins this Wednesday, September 13th at 6:30 p.m. For more information, please visit or visit