2018 Weekly Devotional - Week 39

Week 39

Psalm 30:5b
“weeping may stay for the night,
 but rejoicing comes in the morning.”

    Few things hurt a parent as much as when their children are hurting. As parents we often want to alleviate the pain. Mothers want to comfort and heal. Dads want to fix it or make it right. Both parents want the suffering to stop. Years ago one of our daughters was going through a very painful time in her life. She was experiencing an injustice that was beyond her ability to overcome. The whole experience was humiliating, frustrating, and wrong. As her parents, Darla and I were often experiencing some of the same emotions. To be honest, I was mad. Often, late in the evening we could hear our sweet girl crying and pouring her heart out to the Lord. It was simultaneously heartbreaking and joyful. Heartbreaking, because as parents we knew she was deeply hurt. Joyful, because she was crying out to the Lord in faith. Our mornings on the other hand, were punctuated with praise and worship music pulsating from her room overhead. What a contrast! The Lord had turned her mourning into rejoicing!

    Perhaps you have experienced something similar. Maybe it’s been one of your children or maybe it has been you personally. Our psalmist understands that in this life pain is temporary. To be sure, some suffering lasts many years and can be almost unbearable. But there is the possibility for joy to follow! How can this be? Our psalmist knew the Lord! As Christ-followers we live in a fallen world where some pain and suffering is inevitable. But, it is by God’s grace temporary. There is coming a time for those who are in Christ that all pain and suffering will cease. The Bible says in Revelation 21:4, “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

    Are you hurting? Cry out to the Lord during this dark night of the soul. Make your request known to the Lord. Wait patiently for his reply to you until you receive his answer or until the Daystar appears and rejoicing for an eternal day arrives!

In Christ,
