Creek Updates Week of February 4th


*Summer Nicaragua Trip - Interest Meeting

Looking for a great family mission trip? Come join Currey Creek as we make our annual trip to Masaya, Nicaragua, July 10-15th to love and serve the kids of King of Kings Church! So far, flight costs are significantly lower than they have been in years. There will be informational meetings after both service times on Sunday February 24th in the Student Portable. Come learn more about this great mission opportunity!

*Baby Dedication

Save the date for our Baby Dedication on Sunday, February 24th during the 10:30am service! This service is for families with babies and young children who desire to dedicate their children to the Lord and present them to the congregation for blessing and support. Please register your child at no later than February 19th. We can't wait to pray for you and your precious ones!

*Disciple Now Weekend

This weekend, February 8-10th is our Disciple Now Weekend! Every year we partner with FBC Boerne and our middle school and high school students gather for a weekend of teaching, worship, and community service while staying in host homes each night where they will have small group discussion. Our theme this year is how God is "Relentless" in his pursuit of us. To register, please visit

*Creek Kids

Our CREEK KIDS attendance is increasing and creating a need for more volunteers, especially in our nursery and preschool classes. If you are interested in serving and holding our sweet babies and toddlers, or spending time with preschoolers, we could use you especially during the 10:30 service. Please contact for more information. THANK YOU!

*Baptism Sunday

Our next Baptism Sunday is Sunday, February 17th. If you have an interest in becoming baptized, please call the church office at (830)755-8806 to set up an appointment with a pastor.

*Student Ministry Summer Events

Registration is open for Middle School Camp Winiwaca and High School River Retreat. Spots are filling up quickly! You can find out more and register your student at

*Prayer Requests

Just a reminder that we would love to pray for you if you have a specific prayer request. There is a prayer request portion on the left side of the bulletin that you can fill out in church and place in the offering boxes or you can email your prayer request anytime to