Creek Updates - Week of October 14th

*Nursery Workers Needed

Can you spare one hour a month? Our nursery, especially at the 10:30 hour, is REALLY busy and we can use some extra help. Please consider volunteering! Men and women, we need you! Contact Sara Williams for more information or go to to complete a volunteer application.

*Discovery Class - November 3rd 

Discovery is a 1-hour class introducing anyone to Currey Creek's philosophy of ministry and how to quickly get connected into one of our ministries this fall. Hear from our pastoral staff and ministry department heads on ways you can get plugged into Currey Creek! If you are brand new and looking for an introduction to Currey Creek, this class is for you! Lunch will be provided with an RSVP at

*How to Know God's Will - Creek Institute Class 

Beginning Sunday, October 20th we will begin a 5-week class during Creek Institute. The best life to live is the one lived according to God's plan for us, but how do we know what that plan is? God doesn't leave us alone to try and figure out how to live life. We can know God's will, and as we seek to follow Him, He graciously provides avenues for us to know and follow His will. To register for this class, please visit

*Baptism Sunday-October 27th 

Our next Baptism Sunday is scheduled for Sunday, October 27th. If you have an interest in getting baptized, please call the church office at (830)755-8806 to set up an appointment with a pastor.

*Creek + Care 

It is a privilege to walk alongside each other and lift one another up. We would love to know how to pray for you or help in any way. Please email or stop by the Connections Desk if you have a prayer request, know of anyone that would like to be visited in the hospital, might need a meal or help with simple tasks around their home.

*Serve Day - Saturday, November 9th 

The Boerne Community Coalition plans to have a clean-up day at the Shady Rest neighborhood on Saturday, November 9th. Beginning at 8:00am until early afternoon, we will pick up trash, organize and remove debris, and fellowship with and minister to these neighbors. This is a great opportunity for the whole church family to be the hands and feet of Christ. Remember to bring gloves and wear old clothes. For more information, please contact Patrick Cohoon at

*Pardon Our Dust 

The existing Connections Desk on Sundays will be relocated to the side by the women's restroom, so that crews can create a passageway from our existing lobby into the new one. We will still have coffee available during this transition time. Thank you for your patience!

*Foster Adoption Parent Night Out Volunteers Needed

Currey Creek is hosting their fourth Foster Adoption Parent Night Out on December 14th from 4-7pm. Volunteers are needed to make this a successful event. We need adults and teens 15 years and up to help with this event. Please contact Kendall at to volunteer!