Creek Updates- Week of November 4th

*Creek Kids Special Assistance

The Creek Kids ministry desires for every child to have a wonderful, loving, and safe environment where they can learn more about Jesus Christ. The Creek Kids team desires to improve our assistance to children with special needs by providing more one-on-one partnering and teaching. Therefore, we are looking for volunteers who have a passion for children with special needs and who would be willing to help provide assistance to families in our church community during the 9:00am service. If you are interested in volunteering, or if you have a child with special needs and would like to find out more, please email Christy McDonald at

We will have a training for any interested volunteers on Sunday, November 17th after the second service. To register for the training, please click HERE.

*Creek Kids Toy Drive

Last Year, Creek Kids teamed up with HCDBM to provide over 250 Christmas gifts for children in our surrounding area. Let's be a blessing again! Please come by the Creek Kids table outside of the Chapel and select one or multiple children to bless this Christmas! Gifts are due by Sunday, November 17th.

*Serve Day - Saturday, November 9th

The Boerne Community Coalition plans to have a clean-up day at the Shady Rest neighborhood on Saturday, November 9th. Beginning at 8:00am until early afternoon, we will pick up trash, organize and remove debris, and fellowship with and minister to these neighbors. This is a great opportunity for the whole church family to be the hands and feet of Christ. Remember to bring gloves and wear old clothes. For more information, please contact Patrick Cohoon at

*Advent Worship and Prayer Night

Kickoff the Advent season with a Worship and Prayer Night on Sunday, December 1st from 4:30-6pm. We look forward to a time of setting our minds and hearts on the reason for the season.

*Students - Camp Flash Sale! 

Our 1-day Flash Sale for both High School Breakaway and Middle School Camp Winiwaca will begin on November 21st from 6am until midnight. Mark your calendar to get the lowest price! Visit for event dates and pricing. To donate to our student scholarship fund, email

*Foster Adoption Parent Night Out Volunteers Needed Currey Creek is hosting their fourth Foster Adoption Parent Night Out on December 14th from 4-7pm. Volunteers are needed to make this a successful event. We need adults and teens 15 years and up to help with this event. Please contact Kendall at to volunteer!

If you are a foster parent and would like to register for the event, please visit

*Save the Date: December 6th - Drive In Movie Night 

Join us for an awesome night of family fun! Bring your lawn chairs, quilts and kids in PJ's to our back parking lot on Friday, December 6th at 6:30pm. We will be watching a family friendly movie and serving popcorn and hot chocolate! We will have a donation box for you to be able to give a pair of new children's PJ's to the Vault Fostering Community. Let's help them give new PJ's to families who need them for their newly placed foster children.

*Missed the Sermon on Sunday?

Did you know that you can watch previous sermons online? Visit to catch up on any Just Jesus messages you missed, or would like to hear again!